Common Needs ============ This chapter collects solutions for requirements that will often crop up once you start using Deform for real world applications. .. contents:: :local: .. _customizing-widget-templates: Customizing widget templates ---------------------------- To override, add, or customize widget templates, see the chapter :doc:`templates`. .. _complex-data-loading-changing-widgets-validating: Complex data loading, changing widgets, or validating ----------------------------------------------------- For complex loading of data, changing widgets, or validating beyond the basic declarative schema, you can use Colander's schema binding feature. See the chapter in the Colander's documentation `Schema Binding `_. .. _changing_a_default_widget: Changing the Default Widget Associated With a Field --------------------------------------------------- Let's take another look at our familiar schema: .. code-block:: python :linenos: import colander class Person(colander.MappingSchema): name = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String()) age = colander.SchemaNode(colander.Integer(), validator=colander.Range(0, 200)) class People(colander.SequenceSchema): person = Person() class Schema(colander.MappingSchema): people = People() schema = Schema() This schema renders as a *sequence* of *mapping* objects. Each mapping has two leaf nodes in it: a *string* and an *integer*. If you play around with the demo at ` `_ you will notice that, although we do not actually specify a particular kind of widget for each of these fields, a sensible default widget is used. This is true of each of the default types in :term:`Colander`. Here is how they are mapped by default. In the following list, the schema type which is the header uses the widget underneath it by default. :class:`colander.Mapping` :class:`deform.widget.MappingWidget` :class:`colander.Sequence` :class:`deform.widget.SequenceWidget` :class:`colander.String` :class:`deform.widget.TextInputWidget` :class:`colander.Integer` :class:`deform.widget.TextInputWidget` :class:`colander.Float` :class:`deform.widget.TextInputWidget` :class:`colander.Decimal` :class:`deform.widget.TextInputWidget` :class:`colander.Boolean` :class:`deform.widget.CheckboxWidget` :class:`colander.Date` :class:`deform.widget.DateInputWidget` :class:`colander.DateTime` :class:`deform.widget.DateTimeInputWidget` :class:`colander.Tuple` :class:`deform.widget.Widget` :class:`colander.Time` :class:`deform.widget.TimeInputWidget` :class:`colander.Money` :class:`deform.widget.MoneyInputWidget` :class:`colander.Set` :class:`deform.widget.CheckboxChoiceWidget` .. note:: Not just any widget can be used with any schema type; the documentation for each widget usually indicates what type it can be used against successfully. If all existing widgets provided by Deform are insufficient, you can use a custom widget. See :ref:`writing_a_widget` for more information about writing a custom widget. If you are creating a schema that contains a type which is not in this list, or if you would like to use a different widget for a particular field, or you want to change the settings of the default widget associated with the type, you need to associate the field with the widget "by hand". There are a number of ways to do so, as outlined in the sections below. As an argument to a :class:`colander.SchemaNode` constructor ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ As of Deform 0.8, you may specify the widget as part of the schema: .. code-block:: python :linenos: import colander from deform import Form   from deform.widget import TextAreaWidget class Person(colander.MappingSchema): name = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String(), widget=TextAreaWidget()) age = colander.SchemaNode(colander.Integer(), validator=colander.Range(0, 200)) class People(colander.SequenceSchema): person = Person() class Schema(colander.MappingSchema): people = People() schema = Schema() myform = Form(schema, buttons=('submit',)) Note above that we passed a ``widget`` argument to the ``name`` schema node in the ``Person`` class above. When a schema containing a node with a ``widget`` argument to a schema node is rendered by Deform, the widget specified in the node constructor is used as the widget which should be associated with that node's form rendering. In this case, we will use a :class:`deform.widget.TextAreaWidget` as the ``name`` widget. .. note:: Widget associations done in a schema are always overridden by explicit widget assignments performed via :meth:`deform.Field.__setitem__` and :meth:`deform.Field.set_widgets`. Using dictionary access to change the widget ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ After the :class:`deform.Form` constructor is called with the schema, you can change the widget used for a particular field by using dictionary access to get to the field in question. A :class:`deform.Form` is just another kind of :class:`deform.Field`, so the method works for either kind of object. For example: .. code-block:: python :linenos: from deform import Form from deform.widget import TextInputWidget myform = Form(schema, buttons=('submit',)) myform['people']['person']['name'].widget = TextInputWidget(size=10) This associates the :class:`~colander.String` field named ``name`` in the rendered form with an explicitly created :class:`deform.widget.TextInputWidget` by finding the ``name`` field via a series of ``__getitem__`` calls through the field structure, then by assigning an explicit ``widget`` attribute to the ``name`` field. You might want to do this in order to pass a ``size`` argument to the explicit widget creation, indicating that the size of the ``name`` input field should be 10em rather than the default. Although in the example above, we associated the ``name`` field with the same type of widget as its default, we could have associated the ``name`` field with a completely different widget using the same pattern. For example: .. code-block:: python :linenos: from deform import Form   from deform.widget import TextAreaWidget myform = Form(schema, buttons=('submit',)) myform['people']['person']['name'].widget = TextAreaWidget() The above renders an HTML ``textarea`` input element for the ``name`` field instead of an ``input type=text`` field. This probably does not make much sense for a field called ``name`` (names are not usually multiline paragraphs), but it does let us demonstrate how different widgets can be used for the same field. Using the :meth:`deform.Field.set_widgets` method +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Equivalently, you can also use the :meth:`deform.Field.set_widgets` method to associate multiple widgets with multiple fields in a form. For example: .. code-block:: python :linenos: from deform import Form   from deform.widget import TextAreaWidget myform = Form(schema, buttons=('submit',)) myform.set_widgets({'':TextAreaWidget(), 'people.person.age':TextAreaWidget()}) Each key in the dictionary passed to :meth:`deform.Field.set_widgets` is a "dotted name" which resolves to a single field element. Each value in the dictionary is a widget instance. See :meth:`deform.Field.set_widgets` for more information about this method and dotted name resolution, including special cases which involve the "splat" (``*``) character and the empty string as a key name. .. _using-arbitrary-form-attributes: Using arbitrary form attributes ------------------------------- HTML5 introduced many attributes to HTML forms, most of which appear in the HTML ```` element as a ``type`` attribute. For the full specification, see For implementations and demos, the `Mozilla Developer Network `_ is one useful resource. Starting with Deform 2.0.7, all of the Deform widgets support arbitrary HTML5 form attributes. They also support *any* arbitrary attribute, such as ``readonly`` or ``disabled``. This is useful, for example, when you want to use any of the following new HTML5 input types. - color - date - datetime - datetime-local - email - month - number - range - search - tel - time - url - week You can also set placeholders, use multiple file uploads, and set some client-side validation requirements without JavaScript. The following Python code will generate the subsequent HTML and rendered HTML5 number input. .. code-block:: python from decimal import Decimal total_employee_hours = colander.SchemaNode( colander.Decimal(), widget=widget.TextInputWidget( attributes={ "type": "number", "inputmode": "decimal", "step": "0.01", "min": "0", "max": "99.99", } ), validator=colander.Range(min=0, max=Decimal("99.99")), default=30.00, missing=colander.drop, ) .. code-block:: html **Total employee hours** .. raw:: html .. versionadded:: 2.0.7 Arbitrary form control attributes, providing support for HTML5 forms. .. _using_readonly_in_html_form_control_attributes: Using ``readonly`` in HTML form control attributes -------------------------------------------------- .. note:: Naming things is hard. In Deform an unfortunate naming decision was made for ``readonly`` when rendering a form without any form controls using a "readonly" template. Oops. Looking back, we ought to have named it ``viewonly``, ``static``, ``immutable``, or ``readable`` to avoid confusion with the HTML attribute `readonly `_. The ``readonly`` HTML form control attribute makes the element not mutable, meaning the user cannot edit the control. When ``"readonly": "readonly"`` is one of the items in a dict passed into the ``attributes`` option when creating a widget, the rendered widget both prevents the user from changing the value, and if the form does not pass validation after submitted then the field value will be displayed. ``readonly`` is supported by most form controls, but not all. Deform adds some logic to add read-only support for a few of those form controls, as described below. ``CheckboxWidget`` and ``CheckboxChoiceWidget`` Due to the nature of how checkbox values are processed, the ``readonly`` attribute has no effect. To achieve a read-only behavior, pass in ``attributes={"onclick": "return false;"}``. This will render as an inline JavaScript ``onclick="return false;"`` for each checkbox item. ``MoneyInputWidget`` The provided value will be displayed in the input and be not editable. ``RadioChoiceWidget`` For the selected value it will render an attribute in the HTML as ``readonly="readonly"``, and for all other values as ``disabled="disabled"``. ``SelectWidget`` For selection of single options only, the selected value will render an attribute in the HTML as ``readonly="readonly"``, and for all other values as ``disabled="disabled"``. Multiple selections, set by the ``multiple=True`` option, do not support the ``readonly`` attribute on the ``